Version History


- Fixed a bug in History Manager
- Fixed a bug in Interface that IP Adress is not shown with new version of ISTA

- Fixed a bug where the custom NCS code sheet could not be saved
- Fixed bug in Service History Manager, no connection to HU
- Added new function to Service History Manager to select manual HU

- Added new Module: Service History Manager
- Added new Module: Codinglist-Manager for Esys
- Added new Module: Ambient Light NCD Editor (with NCD patch support)
- Show now HWID details
- Added support for Generating FA from KASIO (german and english)
- The FA time criteria can now changed or added in FAGen.ini
- Added possibility to partition the hard disk from the NBT (alpha-testing, not included)
- Fixed small bugs

- Redesign GUI
- Hi-Res GUI
- FA genarator works with AIR again
- Fixed a bug on ICOM reservation
- Worked with ICOM Next
- Fixed a lot of Bugs

- Redesign FA Generator. Now you can easily modify the FAGen.ini, if there are changes

- Added new FA for esys
- Added create FA for E and F/G Series from AIR
- Removed create FA for E and F/G Series from other service sites
- Added new "Zeitkriterien" for create FA
- Redesign GUI for bigger screens

- Fixed Bug on close application
- Fixed Bug in SSD Creator (with R55, R56)
- Completely translated to english
- Fixed a bug that ICOM was sometimes not displayed

- Fixed CIC Script Hack with F20 CIC etc.
- Fixed Bug that shown worng KM in EEPROM Tools
- Redesign Kombi Tools
- Updated lookup.xml

- Added new needle rotational speed (7500/min) template
- Fixed close-hanger bug if only Kombi Tools was shown

- Fixed Bug in "CIC Skript Aktivierung"
- Fixed Bug in "CIC Skript Deaktivierung"
- No more need to write SigS Cert in CIC Prof if all FSC's are deleted

- Fixed ICOM Search
- Fixed FSC Dump if no FSC is stored in CIC/NBT

- Added support to delete CIC MID FSC
- Fixed some bug in FS Creator
- Added USB2LAN Settings in "CIC Spezial Tools" module

- Logfile is automatically stored in datalogs as logfile_xx.xx.xxxx xx-xx-xx.txt
- Dongle Update functionality
- Fixed some bugs in FA Creator for F and E Series. Now work with (Microsoft Browser's are not supported)

- Added Soft Navigation Enable
- Added Soft Navigation Disable
- Added Unlock Internet and BMW Live/Online without coded with US or russian VIN

- Fixed long timeout if connect to wrong IP Adress
- Added two new needle rotational speed (7000/min) templates
- Fixed FSC view Vin/Date bug
- Added IS read/delete/read all/delete all buttom
- Added FS delete all buttom

- Bug fixes
- Dongle Support
- Added new licence manager

- Kombi Settings: - Added: Better setting of "Nullpunktabgleich"

- CIC Tools: - fix Get Status (F CIC)

- Kombi Settings: - Added new Button: Reset Kombi
- Added new Button: Set Kombi Clock
- Better results when read out data